Where people’s dreams and
potential meet companies’
dreams and needs
Become our
Join the recruitment revolution!
At Bazzum, we believe in the power of a shared mission. So we are inviting visionary employers to become founding partners and join us in revolutionising the global recruitment market.

Your voice, our strength.
Join as a founding partner
Becoming a founding partner of Bazzum is showing that you believe in our vision, and that you stand with us in our mission to improve the conditions of the recruitment market. It’s completely free of charge, because it’s not about your funds – it’s about your faith in our journey, and that you’re excited to use our platform when it launches.
We seek the privilege of showcasing that the companies who have joined as founding partners support our mission. Your endorsement is one of the cornerstones of our investor appeal. It’s essential that investors see the traction we’re building, knowing that companies like yours are embracing our platform. Together, we’ll craft a compelling narrative for the recruitment revolution.
We are saying goodbye to old school recruitment
People are frustrated with deciding where to list their job openings, churning through stacks of uninspired CV’s and generic cover letters, the guesswork of deciding which applicants to bet on, and putting them through expensive personality tests provided by external actors.
It’s time to put the old and inefficient ways of recruiting to rest, once and for all. Bazzum is here to shake things up with smarter, easier, more efficient, less costly, and far more exciting recruitment. We advocate completely automated job matching with primary focus on the job seekers’ power skills and future potential. Say goodbye to the conventional and embrace the extraordinary!
Det som tilltalar mig mest med Bazzum är att jag får relevanta jobbmatchningar direkt, utan en massa onödiga steg och mellanhänder.
Stefan E
Karriärverktyget är det jag ser fram emot mest att prova. Jag går ut gymnasiet till sommaren och har ingen aning om vilka jobb som skulle passa mig. Tror att Bazzum kommer att vara till stor hjälp
Ella W
You had me at inga CV och inga personliga brev, för att citera en favoritfilm, Jerry Mcguire
Linda A
Härligt att någon äntligen vågar sticka ut hakan och utmana jobbmarknadens oskrivna regler. Med mer än 15 års erfarenhet av rekryteringsbranschen, är jag minst sagt förväntansfull på Bazzums plattform
Niklas P
Med tanke på spridningen av t.ex. AI och distansarbete, är det perfekt timing på lanseringen av Bazzums tjänst
Dennis J
Why partner with Bazzum?
Innovative: Bazzum is leading the charge to redefine recruitment, placing a strong emphasis on essential power skills, recognizing future potential, and embracing complete automation. We’re not just another player in the market; we’re committed to a genuinely innovative approach that ensures your recruitment efforts are efficient, effective, and forward-looking.
Game-changing: There is no platform like Bazzum in the market today. We connect all actors on the job market with each other on one global hub, and put traditional recruiting to shame. We redefine which skills to consider, which steps to include in a recruitment process and what order they should come in. And best of all, it is completely automated. With the push of a button, our intelligent algorithms make the perfect match between job seeker and employer.
Sustainable: Make no mistake, Bazzum we aim for a profound societal and economic impact. Our automated, anonymized job matching process reduces the risk for inequalities and negative bias due to gender, ethnicity, age etc. On our platform, the recruitment process will be more accurate, while also quicker, easier and cheaper. Consequently, the threshold for hiring new talent will be lower, especially for businesses on a budget. Finding the perfect match will also increase employee retention. Bazzum will contribute to an overall positive effect on people’s well-being and mental health, leading to less costs for society (e.g unemployment compensation, sickness benefits, subsistence allowance).

Exclusive benefits for our
founding partners
Theme - AI and the recruitment of the future
Monday 20 May Sthlm+Digital
Theme - Lecture on the labour market of the future - Kairos Future/Futurion
Friday 30 August Malmö+Digital
Theme - Power skills

“I love Bazzum because it’s not just a platform; it’s a revolution in recruitment. Their innovative approach and commitment to a seamless, cost-effective process make them a game-changer. Joining as a founding partner was a no-brainer, and I’m excited to be part of reshaping the future.”
Tom Persson
Retail Support

“It’s no secret that finding the right talent on today’s market is a challenge. At Fellowmind our goal is to make people enjoy working with technology and make technology work for them. Bazzum is a great example for technology working for people, for us. That’s why we have teamed up with them! “
Anders Larsson

“Bazzum stands out because they’re revolutionizing recruitment. Their platform, coupled with their commitment to innovation, offers an incredible opportunity. As a founding partner, we’re thrilled to be part of this exciting journey to change the way we find and hire talent.”
Michael Nilsson Pauli
Frequently Asked Questions
Have any questions about being a founding partner? Check out this FAQ.
We would like you to be a sounding board when we develop Bazzum. You can expect about an hour of conversation digitally, every other month.
No. It’s completely free of charge. There are plenty of free advantages, though. for example you get one year of free usage of Bazzum when we launch.
You are, of course, free to end it at your convenience. You can contact us anytime you like at info@bazzum.com.
The platform is planned to be up and running Q2-Q3 2024.
At the bottom of this page you will find a form that you can fill out if you want more/specific information. There is also a form to book a digital meeting with us and there is always the option of contacting us at info@bazzum.se.
Join the revolution!
At Bazzum, we’re not just offering a change; we’re offering a revolution in the world of recruitment. Why consider becoming founding partners? Shape the future, zero costs, investor appeal, exclusive benefits plus gratitude and recognition. Sign up to become a founding partner!

World Trade Center
Skeppsgatan 19
211 11 Malmö