Investor resources
FAQ section

Navigating your investment journey

Welcome to Bazzum's Investor Resources FAQ section. Here, we provide answers to common questions that potential investors may have about our platform, investment opportunities, and the transformative journey we are on. Explore the details below to navigate your investment journey with Bazzum.

Questions & Answers

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Bazzum's unique selling proposition (USP)?

At Bazzum, we combine innovative thinking with advanced technology, psychometrics and a global perspective with the aim of changing and renewing the recruitment market. At Bazzum, psychometrics are already included in the first stage of a match/recruitment, which provides unprecedented precision in the match between candidate and company. Our payment model allows us to set prices that cut employers’ recruitment costs by about 80%. Bazzum gathers all the job market actors on a single platform and empowers both individuals and businesses with precise matching and transformative insights.

How does Bazzum leverage psychometrics in the recruitment process?

Bazzum uses DNV-certified psychometric tests to develop personal profiles that include problem-solving skills, power skills (personal characteristics), motivation, interests and values. This enables a job matching with precision that far exceeds that of traditional recruitment, which only focuses on hard skills (education and experience) and the recruiter’s gut feeling. For the employer, this means i.a. that they get candidates who are right for both the position and their company culture.

What kind of technology does Bazzum utilize?

Bazzum integrates web scraping and advanced, automated matching algorithms based on big data and machine learning. This ensures precision, efficiency, and continuous improvement in the matching process.

What is the scope of Bazzum's global expansion plans?

We are launching in Scandinavia first, likely followed by Germany, Great Britain and the USA. Initially, we are basing our selection on two main criteria – a large number of job vacancies and a high degree of similarity with the Swedish job market. This is to minimize the necessary adaptations of the platform before launch. Many aspects are to be considered:

Does the selected country/job market have special rules to which Bazzum needs to adapt? What cultural differences, that might affect Bazzum, are there? What’s the competition in the selected job market? What potential is there for Bazzum to establish itself in the selected job market? What marketing channels are there? What payment solutions are most popular?

How does Bazzum ensure data privacy and security?

Bazzum takes data privacy very seriously. Our platform follows industry-standard security protocols and complies with relevant data protection regulations such as GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) to ensure the confidentiality and security of user information.

What traction has Bazzum gained so far?

Bazzum has received positive feedback from both job seekers and employers, including renowned companies like Spotify, Volvo, Fellowmind, and others who have expressed enthusiasm and are set to become test pilots during the development of our MVP.

Can you provide more details about Bazzum's investment packages?

Bazzum’s seed-round aims to secure 3 million SEK maximum, with investment packages available at 8,000 SEK each. These packages offer investors the opportunity to be part of a transformative journey in reshaping the global job market.

How can I get involved as an investor?

To explore investment opportunities, visit our investment page at You can find comprehensive information, pitch decks, reports, and even book a meeting with our team. We will be happy to answer any question you might have.

What sets Bazzum apart from other recruitment platforms?

At Bazzum, we combine innovative thinking with advanced technology, psychometrics and a global perspective with the aim of changing and renewing the recruitment market. At Bazzum, psychometric testing is already included in the first stage of a match/recruitment, completely free of charge. This provides unprecedented precision in the match between candidate and company. Our payment model allows us to set prices that cut employers’ recruitment costs by about 80%. Bazzum gathers all the actors on the job market (employers, job seekers, educators, students, recruiters etc.) on a single platform and empowers both individuals and businesses with precise matching and transformative insights.

How can Bazzum contribute to positive societal change?

Bazzum will have a profound societal and economic impact. Our automated, anonymized job matching process reduces the risk of inequality and negative bias due to gender, ethnicity, age, etc. On our platform, the recruitment process becomes more accurate, while also being faster, easier and cheaper. Consequently, the threshold for hiring new talent will be lower, especially for smaller companies with a limited budget. This leads to more jobs and an increased employment rate. Finding the perfect match will also increase employee retention. All labor market actors gathered in one place make the process of looking for a job manageable and understandable for the individual. Bazzum will contribute to an overall positive effect on individuals’ well-being and mental health, leading to lower costs for society (e.g. unemployment benefits, sickness benefits, allowances).

What resources are available to investors?

Investors have access to essential resources, including a full investment report, pitch decks (long and short versions), pitch deck on economics, and the option to book a meeting with our team. We will be happy to answer any questions you may have about Bazzum.

What is Bazzum's long-term vision for the future of recruitment?

To be one of the most important players in recruitment globally, with full-scale daily web scraping globally, and a platform that is fully developed and equipped to meet all the job and career needs of our main user groups (job seekers, employees, students and seniors) and customer groups ( employers, recruiters, staffing agencies, job coaches, matching companies and educators). To continue developing our algorithms in order to offer job matching that is faster, smoother, simpler and above all more efficient than anyone else on the market. To be the go-to hub, where individuals can take care of everything that has to do with their career. To be the platform employers prefer when it comes to finding the best talent. Some of the features and services that will be available:


For employers and other customers:

  • Integration of Bazzum with the companies’ own recruitment tools
  • Skill profiles for 8000+ occupations
  • Assessment of corporate culture
  • Global scanning, ratings and recommendations, employer branding
  • Different types of subscriptions for constant access to the best candidates
  • Marketplace
  • Automatic follow-ups of matches made after 3, 6 and 12 months


For individuals:

  • A comprehensive career tool – Bazzum wants to be seen already at school. People should have early access to all the tools needed to plan their future, know which professions suit them, etc.
  • Assessment of problem-solving skills, personal and interpersonal skills, interests, motivation and values ​​that give a clear picture of the individual’s full potential.
  • Global scanning, ratings and recommendations
  • Automatic follow-ups of matches made after 3, 6 and 12 months


I want to know more about bazzum!

Explore how Bazzum is transforming the job market and shaping the way individuals and companies connect. Interested in being part of this exciting journey? If you’d like us to give you a call, book a meeting, or send our pitch deck and other investment details, please let us know! Ready to invest? Click here to explore this unique opportunity.

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